When deciding who to purchase your insurance from, it’s important you make the right selection. While it’s obvious you want to get the best rate, it’s also vital to choose a person that will actually care about the policy you are buying. Many times, national companies see you as another number in their system- meanwhile, an independently owned insurance agency will take the time to know you.
Insurance is a necessity to keep you safe financially. Insurance has the potential to save you from a large liability, while also saving your personal items in the event of harm. Choosing an insurance agency that you trust is key to selecting where you will purchase insurance from.
Why choose a local insurance agency like Koontz Insurance as opposed to a national insurance company? Simple! A local insurance agency will…
Provide you with better customer service. As a member of their community, they want you to not only do business with them but refer your family and friends as well. When you need auto insurance for your teenage driver, we want you to send their friend’s parents to us as well!
Have more time for you and your insurance needs. They want to see satisfied customers and will go the extra lengths to insure you are happy with your policy coverage.
Grow your local economy! You want to see a local small business succeed. Do so by choosing a local agency over a national company. Rather than purchase a sensitive policy such as life insurance with a national company, you can trust your local agent to make sure your policy covers the needs of those you love.
Koontz Insurance understands you need an insurance agent you can trust and always count on. You can always guarantee to speak to a real person on the phone, and calls forward to Scott’s cell after hours. We provide the best customer service and get you the best rates we can! For more information or to request a quote, click here.